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SOPE Committees

SOPE's subcommittees play a vital role in advancing pediatric echocardiography through education, research, quality improvement, and collaboration. Each committee is dedicated to fostering innovation, supporting professional development, and improving patient outcomes.

Below you will find each committee with its mission, members, and charter. 

SOPE Pediatric Echocardiography Advocacy and Sonographer Education Committee (PEASE)


Utilize the diverse talents and experiences of pediatric echo faculty and sonographers to advocate for solutions to issues unique to pediatric sonography. Recruit, Train, Improve, Retain

Committee Co-Chairs

Lisa Elliot, NemoursBruce Landeck, All Childrens Heart Institute

Immediate Past Chair

Bernadette Richards, Nationwide Children's

Committee Members

Riley Bigelow, Michigan

Curt DeGroff, University of Florida

Pierre Wong, CHLA

Joey Goulding, Seattle Children's

Shuo Wang, CHLA

Elena Kwon, Montefiore

ALiyah Jordan, UK- Great Ormand St

SOPE Education Committee

The SOPE Education Committee is committed to advancing pediatric echocardiography education through accessible and high-quality learning opportunities. Through initiatives like SOPE SPEEDs, we provide free monthly education to support healthcare professionals in delivering expert cardiac care to children.

Committee Co-Chairs

Carolyn Wilhelm, Rainbow Baby's

Dawn Park, Nationwide Chrildrens

Immediate Past Chair

Jennifer Co-Vu, University of Florida

Committee Members

Ray Lorenzoni, Connecticut Childrens

Shannon Nees, Nemours Childrens

Jenna Keelan, UT Southwestern

Nitin Madan, Children's Mercy Kansas City

Shivani Patel, Lurie Children's

Ruchika Karnik, Yale University

Samantha Kops, Colorado Children's

Emily Ribiero, University of Florida

Charles Simpkin, Colorado Children's

Lauren Huff, Cincinnati Children's

SOPE Career and Development Committee

The Early Career Development subcommittee seeks to provide a range of resources for junior physicians and sonographers to help launch their careers in echocardiography. Our initial venture will pair mentors and mentees with similar interests/goals together to allow individualized guidance.

Committee Co-Chairs

Sarah Hayson, Cincinnati Children's Hospital

Ruchira Garg, Cedars Sinai

Immediate Past Chair

Katie Jo Stauffer, Stanford

Committee Members

Julie Glickstein, Columbia

Mike DiLorenzo, Columbia

Tyler Fick, Children's Mercy Kansas City

Anitha Parthiban, Texas Children's Hospital

Nadine Choueiter, Mount Sinai 

Simon Lee, Lurie Childrens 

Nicole Cresalia, UCSF​

Piers Barker, Duke

Alisa Arunamata, Stanford

Melissa Wasserman, CHOP

SOPE Career Development Committee Charter

SOPE Echo Collaborative Committee


The Pediatric Echo Lab Collaborative, launched at the 2019 SOPE annual meeting, aims to enhance echocardiography quality and outcomes for children with congenital and acquired heart disease. Its first project, "Reducing Discrepancies Between Preoperative Echo and Intraoperative Findings," led by Shobha Natarajan and Meryl Cohen, seeks to identify and minimize diagnostic discrepancies.

Committee Chair

Shobha Natarajan (CHOP) 

Committee Members

Aarti Bhat, Pei-Ne Jone, Meryl Cohen

For more information on how your center can participate in the Pediatric Echo Lab Collaborative, please email: natarajans@email.chop.edu or cohenm@email.chop.edu. We encourage submissions of ideas for projects. Pediatric sonographers are encouraged to submit ideas directly related to their work environment.

SOPE Communications Committee


The Communications Committee distributes newsletters quarterly. We will also work to increase SOPE’s social media presence, as well as helping our management to revise our website. Please reach out to Janet Barnes or Jason Williams with any suggestions or questions.

Committee Co-Chairs

Joanne Chiu, MGH

Jason Williams, Duke University

Immediate Past Chair

Janet Barnes, Seattle Children's

Committee Members

Jennifer Acevedo, Lurie Children's

Simone Jhaveri, Columbia

Jennifer Co-Vu, University of Florida

Ben Goot, Children's Wisconsin

Ketaki Mukhopadhyay

Aliyah Jordan, UK-Great Ormand St

SOPE Communications Committee Charter

Please complete the form below if you are interested in participating on a SOPE Committee.

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26 S Henry St

Madison, WI 53703

Phone: 608-481-1157

Email: admin@sopecho.org

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