Job Board |
As a service to the members of the Society of Pediatric Echocardiography, SOPE, is providing a listing of current job opportunities submitted by organizations offering positions in the healthcare field, specifically related to pediatric and adult congenital echocardiography.
The Society of Pediatric Echocardiography has no direct interest in the jobs posted or in the organizations which advertise the job opportunities. SOPE does not regulate or monitor the content of the individual posting. The content of all postings is provided by the organization offering the position. All postings must be for a specific job opportunity in conformance with the SOPE job posting guidelines.
Organizations are invited to submit job openings on the SOPE website, www. Postings are free of charge to SOPE members. SOPE will only post positions that are relevant to our members and to the SOPE mission. Job postings on the SOPE website should represent a real and currently available job. Job postings must be made available to qualified candidates regardless of age, race, gender, and sexual orientation.
SOPE does not monitor or regulate the content of job postings. Liability of the content is subject to the governing laws of the state of the organization which submitted the posting.​
Job postings for SOPE members are free; members who wish to post openings within their institution are asked to email the job description, along with a link to detailed information, to Please allow 3 business days for the posting to be added to the SOPE Career Center.
Pediatric Cardiologist, Division of Pediatric Cardiology in the Department of Pediatrics at Stanford University | Pediatric/Congenital Cardiovascular Sonographer- Mount Sinai Hospital - Monday- Friday 9am-5pm |
Pediatric Echo Tech - UNC Health Care System | PEDIATRIC ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY TECHNICIAN Job Details | Montefiore Medical Center​ |
Pediatric Echo Imaging Cardiologist |
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